
THE POOL NYC was founded in New York in 2009 to promote avant-garde artists through a network of international exhibitions.

Without an official gallery space, yet based in New York City, THE POOL NYC has been everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
The necessity to be in one place and then quickly in another is a dominating influence in this century, and THE POOL NYC embraces that peripatetic nature.

Since October 2017 THE POOL NYC has chosen Milano as main base for a permanent exhibition space.

We will continue to operate around the world, organizing itinerant exhibitions.

The ease and speed by which information and humans travel around the globe allow for our constant changes in venue as well the opportunity to place the artists in dynamic surroundings.

Our itinerant nature facilitates the ideal presentation our artists as we seek out the most interesting and provocative spaces in which to present their work.

THE POOL NYC was formed in New York City to freely operate outside of the confines of the traditional gallery space. Its peripatetic nature reflects our belief that the exposure of local or regional artistic practices and concepts on a global scale will serve to benefit both our audience and the artists we represent.

Convinced of the efficacy of introducing its artists to the international art circuit, THE POOL NYC has hosted solo exhibitions and attended art fairs in cities including Venice, Bologna, Rome, London, New York, Mexico City and Hong Kong.

For Every Biennale di Venezia we organize an exhibition at our space at Palazzo Cesari-Marchesi, in Campo Santa Maria del Giglio.


Luigi Franchin has pursued his life-long passion for contemporary art by collaborating since 2006 with Gian Enzo Sperone of Sperone Westwater.

Viola Romoli has worked at Greta Meert Gallery, Brussels and at the Guggenheim Museum, New York City, Bilbao and Venice. In 2009, she was awarded the prestigious Hilla Rebay International Fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation. She gives lectures and talks at NYU in New York and at La Sapienza University in Rome.

Our name is taken from the place of our first exhibition – in an old swimming hall in New York City. But, our name has much wider implications. It implies a gathering – a pooling – of artists of diverse backgrounds from different cultures into an entity dedicated to the pursuit of art. The surprise one feels when suddenly immersed in water for the first time as a child is like that which we experience when we are faced by those things that shake us and fill our heads with new questions, impossible quests, enigmatic visions and optimistic expectations.

THE POOL NYC seeks artists that continuously challenge accepted and rational structures of thought and create a new way of seeing. Ours is a constant struggle to keep our heads above the water in reaching the outer edges of our imagination (of the swimming pool) every day.